Syed Naveed Ul Hasnain kazmi

13 Years Experience
Syed Naveed Kazmi is the CEO of Laal Developers and the founder of Luxury Living Huts Murree. He is the grandson of Hazrat Baba Lal Shah Qalandar Murree. Renowned for his philanthropy and his noble objectives, Laal Developers is the embodiment of his great abtitude as a true businessperson. Through leadership and innovation, he committed to realising the full potential of the company.
Syed Naveed ul Hassnain Kazmi started his career in 2012, and soon after, he approached his work with great finesse and efficience that enabled him to achieve lucrative investment projects and social welfare possibilities.
He devotes his profession to providing employment opportunities and solid encouragement for beginners in infrastructure and financial undertakings.
Beyond the executive suite, he is dedicated to building strong relationships with employees, stakeholders, and the community as a whole. His leadership style reflects a blend of expertise, integrity, and a forward-thinking approach that inspires our entire team.
As a patriotic citizen of Pakistan, his fundamental ambition is to promote tourism and hospitality at the charming vistas of Murree.